The web's largest list of FHA approved condos and townhomes

ForFHA is a private company, not a government agency. This site does not provide loans or other financial services

You're browsing for FHA approved condos in 92647 California

We've searched the FHA Approved database for every zip code in this state. The information below is current as of June 24th 2010

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Condo name Condo id Status Approval date
Rejected Due To Leased Land 10736 Rejected
Newman Terrace 10888 FHA Approved May 10, 1994
Brookstone 11603 FHA Approved March 16, 1994
Huntington Beach 24 Withdrawn
Huntington Township 7289 FHA Approved August 31, 1990
Huntington Township 7289001 FHA Approved
Huntington Gardens 7334 FHA Approved November 08, 1990
Bayshores 7338 FHA Approved February 12, 1986
Huntington Beach 7547 FHA Approved December 28, 1993
Tamarack Village 7627 FHA Approved June 07, 1985
Huntington Creek 8192 FHA Approved September 22, 1993
Millstream 9671 FHA Approved June 07, 1985
Villa Warner Condominiums PM24-11 FHA Approved
Villa Pacific Pm 94 43,44,45 PM94-43 Withdrawn
Villa Warner Condominiums VILLAWAR Withdrawn
Villa Warner Condominiums VWC Withdrawn